Got questions? Check out our FAQ section for quick answers to what candidates ask most often!
General Guide (All Countries)

What medical benefits does the Hospital provide?
You will enjoy full medical benefits at the hospital you are employed with, The full terms is indicated in your appointment letter. However, you are not covered medically when you are out of your work location (ie. when you back from vacation). As such you may want to purchase your own medical insurance.
Are uniforms provided?
Yes (subject to employer). White pant suits for nurses. Shoes are not provided. The specification for shoes is white, covered and flat.
What is my accommodation like?
You will be provided your own room in a 2- or 3-bedroom apartment which you will share with other employees.
Is transport provided?
Hospital transport is provided free of charge to and from your accommodation. Transport is also provided to shopping centre and the city.
What are the shift duty hours?
Two 12-hour shifts (7 am to 7 pm, 7 pm to 7 am).
How long is my contract?
1 year or 2 years (both renewable) inclusive of minimum annual leave of 40 days.
What should I do if I fall sick during my contract?
Report to the Staff Employee Health Clinic for medical attention.
What should I do if decide to end my contract?
You are required to give three (3) months’ written notice to the employer.
Do I have to take pots and pans, bed linen, etc.?
No. They are provided. It is a fully furnished accommodation.
Can I bring electrical appliances?
Not advisable to bring electrical appliances, as the voltage used is 110V.
Any forbidden items?
Drugs, alcohol, pornographic materials, pork products, religious artifacts, and weapons of any kind.
What clothes should I take with me?
Light summer clothes, sandals, trainers, one piece bathing costume, and sports/leisure clothes. You may need a cardigan light jacket for cool evenings.
Working in Saudi Arabia

How do I get paid?
Generally, by Saudi Riyal cheque monthly in arrears. This money can be changed into whichever currency you wish. There is no restriction in transferring money out of Saudi Arabia to your account elsewhere. Once you receive your residence permit, your salary will be paid directly into your bank account. Before that you will be paid via cheque or by cash. Some employers also provide a salary advance when you arrive. However, we suggest that you have some cash to take care of your 1st months expenses (RM2,000 to RM3,000).
Is there a dress code?
Modest clothing is encouraged to be worn when you are outside the compound.
What is the working language?
How do I communicate with patients who speak only Arabic?
For newcomers, interpreters are available on the floor. Free Arabic classes are available. It does not take long to pick up the essential phrases.
Can I take my family with me?
Most job offers are for individual contracts, so bringing your family along isn’t an option right away. But once you’ve got your residence permit, your family is welcome to visit you anytime.
What should I do if I want to apply for another job in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?
Please check with MELORITA three (3) months before the end of the contract and we will advise and assist you. There is no fee for this service.
How long does it take to apply for another job in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?
It can be as quick as a month if all your documents are complete. However, your reentering Saudi Arabia will depend on the guidelines for reentry by the Saudi Embassy.
What are the documents required to apply for another job?
Update of work experience from previous site, 2 references from relevant department, 4 passport-size photos, photocopy of passport, and Letter of No Objection (if available).
Is the work environment very different than in Malaysia?
Your patients will be very different, and you’ll have to adapt your approach accordingly. Nurses from Malaysia have been able to adapt relatively easily.
How long is the flight from Kuala Lumpur to Riyadh/Jeddah?
8 to 9 hours, depending on the stopovers.
What is the time difference?
5 hours behind Malaysian time.
Can I travel to other places in the Kingdom?
Yes. You would need a travel letter from the Head of the relevant department.
Will I be allowed to travel to Makkah/Medina to perform Umrah/Haj?
Can I join my family members for these?
Yes, provided your leave is approved by the Head of the Department. Special arrangements and privileges are provided to Muslims. You can join your family members there but you have to show proof of relationship.
What type of food is available?
The hospital restaurants, which are subsidized, cater for all tastes.
Is it safe to eat at the market stalls?
Yes. The local kebab houses are excellent.
Can I buy fresh food and vegetables?
Yes, probably a greater variety than in Malaysia.
What is the cost of a simple meal?
About SR 20 to SR 30.
Who should my family or I contact in case of emergencies at home?
Malaysia: Onsite Help (+6012 6586614). Saudi Arabia: Call the main hospital line and ask for the Nursing Unit or the Nursing Supervisor on Duty.
Is it safe to go out alone in public?
Yes, but it is usual to go out together with others.
Will I have to cover my head in public?
According to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s Vision 2030, there have been relaxation of dress code rules. Women are no longer required to wear a headscarf, but modest clothing is highly recommended including covering shoulders, arms, and legs.
Are there places of worship for non-Muslims?
No. You practice your faith within the privacy of your own room. Congregational prayers and gatherings by non-Muslims are prohibited.
What are my monthly expenses? Are there any deductions?
Monthly expenses are for food, telephone and personal upkeep. There are no deductions for any amenities (water and electricity bills).
How do I send money home? How long does it take?
You could use telegraphic transfer from a Saudi bank to a Malaysian bank. Takes 2 to 3 working days. i.e. Saturday through Wednesday. Thursdays and Fridays are weekends in Saudi Arabia. A service fee is charged for this transaction. Other options include International Transfer, Western Union/Money Gram, and TransferWise.
What is the exchange rate?
RM 1.16 = SR 1 (approximate).
How much is the cost of living per month excluding housing and transportation?
SR 1000 to SR 2000 per month (approximate).
What can I do in my free time?
There are excellent recreational facilities within the accommodation area: swimming pool, sauna, tennis/badminton/squash courts, mini gymnasium, video library, handicraft, etc.
What if I have a problem with my roommate?
Discuss with the Housing Manager, whose office is located in the Housing area.
How do I send letters/mail to my country?
Postal service from Saudi Arabia to Malaysia takes a minimum of 2 weeks. Bring along Malaysian stamps. You could send your letters through friends travelling home. The letters could be posted once they arrive in Malaysia.
Do they have Internet facilities?
Yes, in most cities, within the Hospital and outside.
What is the telephone dialing code for Saudi Arabia?
To call from Malaysia: 00 + 966 + City Code + Telephone Number. City Codes: 1 (Riyadh), 2 (Jeddah), 3 (Eastern Province), 4 (Tabuk), and 7 (Southern Region).
How long will be the processing time for me to get a job?
It will take anywhere between 3 to 6 months provided your documents are complete.
What is the process like?
Melorita has a process to ensure the candidate is ready and prepared for an international posting.
How to know the status of my application?
While all effort will be taken to update each candidate on their status, Melorita advices candidates call our office after 30 days if they do not hear from us. You may contact or chat us for any update.