Puspa Tharmalingam – Recipient of the Daisy Award
Thank You for Making Us Proud
Puspa Tharmalingam, a candidate with Melorita Healthcare, was given the Daisy Award in appreciation for her outstanding effort and care to one of her recipient patients.
Ms Puspa, who had joined King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Jeddah in November 2014 as a staff nurse in the Renal Transplant unit, is an exceptional clinical nurse who is committed and dedicated to advance the nursing profession by applying across her ICU knowledge and skills in a great caring manner to the new nurses. She is also known for her high standard of communication skills among her peers, team members, colleagues and even her family, as a quote from Paul J. Meyer describes, “communication is the human connection and key to personal and career success.”
Her achievement was based on her concern to save a patient’s operation from cancellation and with her care and dedication; the operation remained, and was successful. In 2016, the patient was admitted for a kidney transplant surgery but was informed later that the operation was cancelled as the hospital was not able to find his matching blood group. A few days later, the patient was readmitted as the operation was about to be cancelled for the second time, Ms Puspa had stepped forward to voluntarily donate her blood to avoid the surgery cancellation. Upon her quick action, the operation was successful.
Ms Puspa also received a call from the Blood Bank which requested her to donate her blood once, every two (2) months as the hospital needed rhesus negative blood group. She did not think any further but only to welcome the request with a statement which read, “Surely I will donate my precious blood for our patients as needed.”
Melorita Healthcare would like to take the opportunity to congratulate our candidate, Ms Puspa Tharmalingam for her Daisy Award achievement and also for being a role model to all nurses out there. Thank you for making us proud.
An acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System, The DAISY Foundation was formed in November 1999, by the family of J. Patrick Barnes who died at age 33 of complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). The nursing care Patrick received when hospitalized profoundly touched his family which moved them to create this foundation to honor nurses who go above and beyond the traditional role of nursing to care for their patients.
The DAISY Award is inspirational, a great morale booster, an excellent tool for nurse retention, and it is a way to develop role models.”